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Important settings for Androids
Important settings for Androids

Read more about important settings for your Android device

Updated over a week ago

Allow notifications and important alerts in silent mode or do not disturb

  1. Open the Cosafe app

  2. Click on the right menu

  3. Select Settings

  4. Click in Go through silent mode

  5. Click in Cosafe

  6. Select Allow

Allow notifications

  1. Open the phone's Settings

  2. Search for Notifications

  3. Allow Notifications

  4. Select Notification Sound

  5. Go to Volume

  6. Ensure that Notifications are not turned down

Allow alarm messages

  1. Open your phone settings

  2. Scroll down or search for Cosafe

  3. Click on Cosafe app info

  4. Click on Notifications

  5. Click in View notifications

  6. Click in Alerts, Actions, Chat responses, New chats and Notifications

Allow access to location info

  1. Open your phone's Settings

  2. Scroll down or search for Cosafe

  3. Click on Cosafe app info

  4. Click on Permissions

  5. Click on Location

  6. Select Allow when using the app

If you have a newer version of Android, please ensure that the following settings are made (power saving mode):

  1. Open your phone's Settings

  2. Scroll down or search for Cosafe

  3. Click on Cosafe app info

  4. Click on Battery

  5. Select No restrictions

Manage Unused Apps on Your Android Device

  1. Open the phone's Settings

  2. Scroll down or search for Cosafe

  3. Click on Cosafe app info

  4. Deactivate "Remove permissions if app is unused"

Settings for Apps in Sleep Mode:

  1. Open your phone's Settings

  2. Select Battery and device care

  3. Select Battery

  4. Select Background usage limits

  5. If you find Cosafe under "Apps in sleep" or "Apps in hibernation", press and hold Cosafe and then select "Delete"

  6. Note under the "apps that never sleep" tab click on the plus sign, add the Cosafe app if you find it among the choices.

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