Important settings for iOS

Read more about important settings for your iOS device

Updated over a week ago

Allow notifications and important alerts in silent mode or do not disturb

  1. Open phone settings

  2. Scroll down or search on the Cosafe app

  3. Click on Cosafe

  4. Click on Notifications

  5. Click in Allow notifications

  6. Click in Important alerts

  7. Click in all three notification options(lock screen, notification centre, banners)

  8. Click in Sounds and Badges

Allow access to location

  1. Open the phone's Settings

  2. Scroll down or search on the Cosafe app

  3. Click on Cosafe

  4. Click on Location

  5. Select When the app is used or Always

  6. Click in Exact location

If you don't get the "location" option under settings, try logging into the app and clicking on the alarms feature. You will then be asked in the app if you want to share your location with Cosafe. Note that you should only click on the alarm function, i.e. not on any of the alarm buttons.

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