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Release notes - Admin panel
Release notes - Admin panel
Updated over a week ago

Version 3.0

Cosafe Adminpanel 3.0 includes a completely new design to offer your administrators an even better user experience. This release includes updates and improvements to the platform's architecture, performance optimization, and new and enhanced functionality.

New features
- Alert log with an overview of actions in the web and mobile application.

- Sub-account search function, for efficient navigation and management of Cosafe accounts with many sub-accounts.
- New menu for smoother navigation of actions


- Improved flow when importing users, to promote efficiency, user-friendliness and a clear overview of the import process.

- Improved functional placement for drag-and-drop selection of features
- Merge tabs for unified and smooth administration

a) Support tab for both App support and Admin panel support
b) Common tab for external links (RSS and WWW).

- Improved flow when creating and editing checklists, for a smoother and optimized workflow. Now you can create and edit the checklist from the same view.

- Improvements to the view of alarm settings linked to steps in the alarm process. Now you can see which alarm steps are active in a clear view.

New features

Notebook with overview of actions in the web and mobile application
The admin panel now has a new feature that gives you an overview of all important actions taken in the web and mobile application. Here you can quickly see notifications of events related to functions such as Alarms, I'm OK, Personal alarms, One-to-one sessions, Mass mailings, Summons, Checklists and documents. This gives you a central place to keep track of everything that happens and ensure that no important actions are missed.

New sub-account search function

We have implemented a new and improved search function for sub-accounts! You can now easily search for specific sub-accounts to make it easier to navigate and manage your Cosafe accounts, even if you have many sub-accounts.

New action view for easier navigation of actions
Instead of having a banner at the top of the screen, we have now moved the actions to their own

menu for smoother navigation.


1. Improved user import flow, to promote efficiency, user-friendliness and clear overview of the import process

a) Quick and easy access to import/export users.

b) We have created an efficient, transparent and clear flow of user imports. This means you can import users smoothly and clearly follow every step of the process.

c) In case of any error messages, you get a clear overview to quickly identify incorrect data. In addition, we have implemented filtering to manage and correct erroneous data effectively.

3. Improved drag-and-drop feature placement
You now activate features via drag-and-drop from available features on the left, to selected features on the right.

Merge tabs for consistent and smooth administration
We have merged the tabs under the account settings to create a more consistent interface and make it easier for administrators to enter information in one place.

a) Support tab for both App support and Admin panel support

b) Common tab for external links (RSS and WWW)

New flow for creating, sharing and editing checklists

Improved flow for creating checklists, sharing them with users or groups, editing names and adding items - all from the same view. The management of checklists will now be even smoother and more efficient to facilitate the workflow.

Improved view of alarm settings linked to steps in the alarm process
We have implemented an upgrade of the alarm settings view where we have included all settings linked to different steps in the alarm process. This improvement provides a clear overview and enables easy management of alarms by displaying relevant settings in a clear way.

Version history





Includes bug fixes, UI improvements, and feature enhancements for a more optimized and user-friendly experience.

July 7-9 2023


Includes bug fixes, UI improvements, and feature enhancements for a more optimized and user-friendly experience.

May 11 2023


Beta version released for Cosafe beta test group.

April 1 2023

Are you interested in participating in the beta testing of new versions before they are released? Send a message to!

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